March 10, 2025

Miss Silka Bohol 2014 – Shopville Boutique

One of the highlights of the Miss Silka Bohol competition last September 26, 2014 at Island City Mall was the parade of contestants wearing the Shopville Boutique apparels.

Here are the photos of all the contestants wearing the clothes from Shopville Boutique.

# 1 Pearl Bungabong
Pearl Bungabong

# 2 Paulene Quinal (red)Paulene Quinal (red)
# 3 Rhea Mae AntiguaRhea Mae Antigua
# 4 Myca RanqueMyca Ranque

# 5 Vernadette OpadaVernadette Opada
# 6 Diane GatalDiane Gatal
# 7 Andrea LanibaAndrea Laniba
# 8 Reah AceronReah Aceron
# 9 Mae Ann DairoMae Ann Dairo
# 10 Marian MalubayMarian Malubay
# 11 Mertsheljoy PedrosoMertsheljoy Pedroso
# 12 Eda CimafrancaEda Cimafranca
# 13 Kate JavellanaKate Javellana
# 14 Cyrel BalantocasCyrel Balantocas

Declared as Miss Shopville Boutique was contestant No. 6, Miss Diane Gatal.

shopville boutique - winner


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